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tv   ABC7 News 500AM  ABC  May 6, 2012 5:00am-6:00am PDT

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>> in the news this sunday morning, may 6th, an oakland police officer is in stable condition after being shot by a suspect during an exchange of gunfire. and san jose police say it was a relatively quiet night downtown for cinco de mayo celebration. good morning, everyone, thanks for joining us. i'm carolyn tyler. let's start with a quick first look at the weather. it's beautiful out there. here's meteorologist lisa argen. >> hi, carolyn. that's right. here's a live look from emeryville where the skies are clear. temperatures on the cool side at the coast. 63 san rafael, 65 bit delta, 48 in the livermore valley. temperatures have cooled in some spots while you have been
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sleeping but look at the numbers elsewhere. 24 hours ago into the north bay we were cooler and now we are warmer. pretty much everywhere. it's the building ridge of high pressure that continues to allow for the dry, down sloping winds. it will bring the offshore flow locally and we will look for temperatures much warmer today. many locations up into the 80s and we aren't stopping there. the warmest day of the week will be tomorrow. >> thank you, lisa. we begin with breaking news in oakland where a midnight shootout has left a police officer and a suspect injured. oakland police have not yet given us all the details, but it happened on birch street here 92nd avenue. police say an unidentified suspect shot first and at least one officer returned fire. both were wounded and rushed to locals hospitals. the officer is in stable condition and is expected to survive. so far no information on the condition of the suspect. we will bring you more information this morning as
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developments unfold. a vallejo police officer killed in the line of duty is among ten c. officers being honored with a candlelight vigil tonight near the state capitol. last night vallejo officer was shot to death while chasing down a suspected bank robber a37-year-old fairfield man was arrested and charged with capital murder. officer kapue had strong ties to vallejo basketball where he coached basketball. tonight's service leads up to formal services tomorrow at the california peace officers memorial. san jose police will tell us later this morning how many arrests were made at last night's cinco de mayo celebration. they say the event was generally peaceful with some minor flareups. streets were crowded with cruising cars as latinos from all over the state came to san jose to celebrate. but this year police had some
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traffic diversions to keep too many from cruzing and hitting pedestrian. police say the arrests they did make was for public drunkenness and drug possession. curfew was strictly enforced so four kids had to be picked up by their parents. police credit a strong show are force for keeping things calm. >> we had the mounted units here, the horses. we have the motorcycle officers and helicopter support, bicycle officers, so it's a number of units. on friday night things were less peaceful. three arests were made in connection with a gaining beating. 21 others were arrested on a variety of charges, including three felony weapons charges. san jose police are investigating a shooting that happened just after 8:00 last night on cadillac drive. officers found a man suffering from at least one gunshot wound. he was taken to a local hospital with potentially life-threatening injuries. police still don't know if that
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shooting was connected to the cinco de mayo celebrations. people may have had too many drinks while celebrating cinco de mayo and got a rude awakening in san francisco last night. a sobriety checkpoint was ses up. cars were pulled over at random and a few drivers asked to take a sobriety test. this was one of several check points throughout the bay area. now to an update on the fatal fire in san francisco las june. a new report said unusual architecture and a tragic breakdown in communications led to the deaths of two firefighters. the report by the national institute of occupational safety points out that when the firefighters entered the split level home on berkeley way, they were unaware it was burning below them. the report also notes commanders failed to maintain contact and assumed the firefighters were okay, even after the flashover killed them and melted their
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radios. san francisco has been cited with four safety violations in the deaths of ltd. vincent perez and firefighters paramedic anthony vo lehr row. the stay is appealing the citations. some bay area musicians are helping to raise money to find a missing arizona goal. six-year-old isabel disappeared from her tucson home two weeks ago. her parents are speaking out publicly for the first time. abc7 news reporter shows us how the local music industry is responding. ♪. >> this youtube video has been put together by several area musicians and artists who are friends of the missing girl's family. it's a unique effort to find the little girl of tucson. these been missing since april 20th. her parents panicked when they found her window open and a screen pushed aside. >> i wanted to be sitting in my
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room and crying and it was hard enough to be with my kids and family, much less come and talk to you guys. >> in order to help the family find isabel, musicians friends in tucson contacting music producers in oakland. >> this video has a rough mix of the lyrics and music from the oakland's pajama's recording studios, and the finished dvd will be used to raise funds to find her. >> i think musicians can help in unusual ways because a lot of people listen to music who don't actually pay attention to newspapers and things like that. >> the music and lyrics are hard felt having been written by people close to the family. musicians believe tucson police can use their help. >> it doesn't mean we have abandoned the support we have just scaled back some personnel. >> the police are now working with the fbi and concentrating on video like this that was
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taken around the time of the abduction. abcn7 news. the search for missing sierra lamar teenager resumes this week. dive teams will resume their search at reservoirs. investigators are treating sierra's disappearance as an abduction. volunteers are still searching the area around her home. in mill valley police are investigating a carjack after a woman was robbed at gunpoint as she was parking in front of her house yesterday afternoon t happened on dorsett lane around 2:00 notice afternoon. police say a man in his 20s or 30s threatened her with a handgun. he was last seen driving her s.u.v. west. it is a silver bmw sport utility vehicle with a california license plate 5yzr758. this morning there are 79 fewer
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guns in east palo alto. they were turned in yesterday during the city's annual gun k buy back program. the police department gave $100 in cash for every firearm turned in. no questions asked. officers say the point of the buy back isn't just to hand out money. >> this is overall safety. you know, you can look at it from the perspective you may prevent a child from getting a hold of a gun that may harm himself or somebody else, and also someone can get in contact with the gun and get hurt and an innocent bystander or maybe another officer. >> most people turned in one or two guns. one man handed over 20. a lack of wind near the golden gate bridge led to the rescue of seven kite surfers. they were stranded about half-mile away from crissy field just before five yesterday evening. a boater called the coast guard in the san francisco fire department. six of the surfers were picked
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up by good samaritan boats. the surfers were transferred to a coast guard ship. seventh was rescued by sf fire. occupy protesters remain in a university-owned field this morning even though u.c. berkeley gave them until last night to leave. protesters took over part of the ten acre property in albany known as the gild track on april 22nd. they say they want the land to be used as a sustainable farm. officials were in talks with the occupy the farm group but talks have stalled. coming up next, french voters head to the polls in the country's run off election with president zarkozy's political future hanging in the balance. and hitting the campaign trail, what president obama says about the race and his opponent. dinner's ready.
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[ female announcer ] hamburger helper stroganoff. beefy. creamy. stroganoffy. helpers. forty dishes, all delicious. those five food groups sound a whole lot better when you put them in a taco shell instead of a pyramid. old el paso. when you gotta have mexican.
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>> defeat incumbent nicholas zarkozy. the outcome will impact efforts to fight french debt crisis and determine how long french troops stay in afghanistan. he promised to reign in spending and reduce government employment. voters angered by that are showing support for the challenger. and voters in greece are casting ballots in that country's critical and most uncertain election in decades. they are entirely dependent on billions of dollars in international rescue loans. to keep the money flowing it has to impose strict controls next month. there will be 10 million register votes. many voters are still undecided. the obama re-election
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campaign is officially underway. the president and first lady are hitting the road trying to recapture the magic and enthusiasm of 2008. their first stop was ohio. a huge battleground state. in 25 of the last 27 presidential elections, the candidate who won ohio won the white house. abc7 news reporter david curley has the story. bounding off air force one in ohio the president was so fired up and ready to go, he forgot something. doubling back for one ever his strongest weapons, the first lady. with a knowing smile of his misstep. >> president barack obama! [cheers and applause] >> it's the first official campaign rally, but the themes are familiar. >> this is not just another election, this is a make-or-break moment for the middle class, and we've been through too much to turn back now! >> the president has refrained from naming his opponent until today. >> governor romney doesn't seem
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to get that. >> while trying to frame differences. >> i don't care how you frame it, corporations aren't people, people are people. >> mr. obama called romney a rubber stamp of failed republican policy. >> ohio, we were there, we remember, and we are not going back. we are moving this country forward. >> for this kick off the obama campaign picked college campuses, targeting young voters and women. >> another four years, i can't lie. >> i can't imagine if romney would get in he would take us, especially the women, back to the 1930s. >> the president is reaching back for some of that energy four years ago. >> if people and you what this campaign is about, you tell them it's still about hope. you tell them it's still about change. we will finish what we started. we are still fired up. we are still ready to go!
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>> david curly reporting. now the man taking shots from the president, of course, mitt romney, is taking the weekend off. but his campaign is still on the move. in columbus, ohio volunteers have turned a romney campaign bus into a mobile call center. it was at ohio state university yesterday pushing his plan for job creation. romney will be attending a fundraiser tomorrow in indiana. you probably already know you can't believe everything you read on the internet, and that holds true for facebook, as well. consumer reports found that one out of every four facebook users lies on their profile. and it's not just to impress old high school buddies, sometimes it's about privacy. the facebookliers say they post something false like fake birthdays to protect their identity and others use wrong or incomplete names to hide from their boss. lisa, you don't do that, do you?
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>> no. [laughter] >> nothing to hide. the weather is great. it was really beautiful yesterday. >> yeah. are you ready for warmer weather? >> yes. >> it is going to warm up significantly. we have a light, warm wind. we have cooler spots in the 30s and 40s, but a rapid warmup with numbers in the 80s and maybe a few 90s for tomorrow. >> oh, my. >> yeah, we will talk about it next. >> also next, the a's win in dramatic fashion in extra innings. mike shumann has the highlights coming up in sports. does your phone give you all day battery life ?
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droid does. and does it launch apps by voice while learning your voice ? launch cab4me. droid does. keep left at the fork.
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does it do turn-by-turn navigation ? droid does. with verizon, america's largest 4glte network and motorola, whatever you want to do... droid does. ♪ we were skipping stones ♪ and letting go ♪ over the river and down the road ♪ [ female announcer ] at nature valley, we know nature comes together in amazing ways. that's why we bring together natural ingredients, like dark chocolate with toasted oats, or sweet golden honey. perfect combinations of nature's delicious ingredients,
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from nature valley. ♪ ♪ i was thinking that i hope this never ends ♪ [ female announcer ] nature valley granola bars, nature at its most delicious. >> welcome back, it's 5:19. this is the first sunday of the month and thanks for spending part of that with us. this is the shot from our emeryville cam. a beautiful shot, beautiful weather on tap if you like it warm, so says our meteorologist, lisa argen. >> yeah. we are steady warming up today and tomorrow. in fact, the inland valleys are going to get even warmer on tuesday. it will stick around for a little bit. the fog coming back late tuesday as we head outside right now. here's a look. looking from our sutra camera.
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a light, north wind. and at the airport we have a west wind at 3 miles an hour. 6:08 sunrise. 8:05 the official sunset. the full moon. nice and bright still. looking at numbers coming up this morning. we were in the upper 30s last hour, half moon bay. 41 right now. 48 in oakland with 60 in nonpaw, 62 mountain view. a few 60s, a few 40s for good measure. overall, though, temperatures are warmer this morning than yesterday, as much as 16 degrees warmer a north wind about 12 right now in napa. a north wind of 7 up by san rafael. you get the idea. starting out warmer today with the light winds and a bit of the push with the easterly flow later on in the day today. a lighter sea breeze right at the coast. it will be a warmer day. upper elevations looking at some wind gusts of 30 and 40 miles an hour out of the north, northeast. the warmer air about 1,000 feet being mixed down to the surface.
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that also helps in our rapid warmup today. and then that high really builds in for your monday, the warmest day of the week. here's a look what you can expect today. plenty of 80s out there in the 70s with more cooling at the coast. maybe some upper 60s half moon bay, but still warmer than yesterday. in fact we are looking at a 5-degree warmup from the shoreline. here's a look at our pacific satellite. just nothing going on there. we have a big ridge of high pressure that continues to build to the east of us. and it will take another day and we will look at maximum warmth around here. that is a trough of low pressure will begin to bear down to the south and in response to that tuesday night we will get some low clouds, some fog, and that will begin our cool down mainly on wednesday. after that it looks like we are still going to be warming up again so that cool down short-lived. 85 in fresno with 76 in big sur, look for 74 los angeles. hot in the desert and about five
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or six degrees warmer today at at&t park with temperatures early in the upper 60s to near 70s and warming to near 70 with the light north wind. pretty nice out there. oakland upper 70s today. 83 in san jose. mid-80s out toward livermore. santa rosa 84 and down by the monterey bay warming up nicely with 76 in salinas. 82 in hollister. so the accuweather seven-day forecast got breezy winds in the hills and that's allowed for the rapid warmup today. you will see the numbers go up again tomorrow. even though on tuesday warming inland but will cool at our coast and a little bit more fog on wednesday, but notice we are holding on to the 80s right on through the rest of the week. >> well, it's just unusual, isn't it? >> well, what is usual? >> that's true. we've had a strange year. >> yeah. >> all right. thank you, lisa. let's check out sports. this afternoon the giants send matt cain to the mound hoping to
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win the rubber game of the series against the brewers. yesterday the giants ended a four-game losing streak. meek shumann has the highlights in this morning's sports. >> good morning. the giants in a four-game slide at home yesterday beating the brewers behind bumgarner's arm and bat. angel per gallon began extends his league leading hitting streak it 19 games. we go to the fifth. bumgarner getting no support so he takes matters into his own hands. how about an rbi double. in comes cabrera, 1-1 ballgame. another big shot in the 6th after a cabrera posey. buster posey drives him in. two on g-men and the hits keep on coming. brett hill hammers one to the gap. part of a three-run inning. but the story was matt bum. his fifth straight victory, giants get the win, 5-2, the final. and a's an extra inning win.
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see ya. he had 2 rbi, 1-0 a's but bartolo colon couldn't hold the leads. and fourth inning he unloads. one of three solo shots given up by cologne. we are tied at 3. and jonny gomes comes through. the pride of petaluma with his fifth home run ever the season. bottom of twelfth. former ray gets matt joyce to ground into a game ending double play on a 3-0 pitch and the a's will win it 4-3. let's tee it up in charlotte, north carolina where seven different players had a share of the lead in round 3. da point with the shot of the day right off the bat. point with end the day one back of the leader. and 2010 champ rory mac i will roy got off to a good start. three straight birdies including this one on 2. he pulls within 2 of the lead. web stenson, his approach on the
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par 3, 17. a beauty. broke a five way take for first. he birdied the hole. simpson is up and round 3 with a 69. the most exciting two minutes in sports, the kentucky derby was just that yesterday in the 138th running. winning horse was bought for just 11 grand. a 15-1 long shot and had a rookie jockey aboard. keep an eye on i'll. coming out of the 19th. a tremendous spot in the wide field. the three-year-old creeped through the field. meanwhile bodemeister appeared to be running away from the field. here's the final all. >> and i'll have another. and bodemeister on the other side. and i'll have another has won the kentucky derby! >> what a comeback. i'll have another, the first horse to win the derby from the 19th horse position. and the jockey wins his first kentucky derby. and bodemeister was second. callaghan was third. okay. there will not be a repeat champion in the nba was the
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dallas mavericks are done. this was the final game for jason kidd in dallas. if so," he made it a good one. three of his 16 points puts them up 12 late in the third. the thunder tie it up in the fourth. dirk nowitzki puts dallas back on top. the bucket plus the foul. he had 34. mavs up three. but he does it. kevin durant, the flush." he had 24 and former son devil names harden. 156 his playoff career high 29 points in in the fourth quarterd the thunder sweep it with the 103-97 victory. and grizzlies, two minutes to play. tied. the jumper. 24 points, 11 assists. clippers up two. last chance for the gris. down 1. rudy gay for the win. not going to happen. and floyd mayweather junior won a unanimous decision over the welterweight title. and the earthquakes lose 2-1 to vancouver ending their seven-game win streak.
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that's the way the ball bounces. i'm mike shumann. see you again at 5. have a great day. >> coming up next the new home for a growing san francisco tech giant. why air b & b says it needs a bigger dig. >> and hollywood tax breaks are helping keep production here in virginia but they are about to expire. now the industry wants more.
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>> welcome back. some scenes in the next star wars studio are being filmed in a laboratory. we examine whether movie tax breaks are actually translating into jobs. >> for so many decades california was the place for
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movie and television production. but the golden state has lost its touch. with production crews going to cheaper states, even cheaper countries where they are offered millions of dollars in tax breaks. they take with them jobs and other economic benefits. >> there are 100 movies shooting in louisiana right now. that is -- they are projecting that it's billions of dollars in spending that's taking place there. >> i can't imagine being in california without movies. >> and they will judge how successful the five year, $100 million a year tax credit has been going. production companies can use up to 25% of qualified expenses to offset tax that is would have otherwise gone to state coffers. >> these are camera people, drivers, electricians, these are people who are paying tax necessary the state. it's a great economic driver. >> in fact, the film commission is now pushing for another five
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years of tax credits through 2018 to keep california competitive with other states that offer bigger tax breaks. >> but while hollywood tries to hang on to its legacy, critics say the tax breaks come at the expense of other programs that need to be funded. >> the industry says the tax breaks pay for themselves. a recent ucla study concluded the breaks are providing some economic benefit but not as much of a return to taxpayers as originally claimed. >> we need to get our priorities straight. >> public schools question whether the tax breaks are a wise use of limited public money. >> you take a look at the disinvestment we've had in public schools and the kind of budget cuts the schools are up against, that tax credit over the life of the time they are talking about in total adds up to $1 billion. >> lawmakers have until this fall to act on the tax breaks. nannette miranda, abc7 news. leaders are inviting filmmaker jorge lukas to build a big production studio that marin
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county residents bitterly opposed. lukas shocked them last month when he scrapped plans to build a 250,000 scare foot lukas film facility at grady ranch. neighbors complained it would harm the environment and create traffic congestion. the mercury news says they have a business park as an alternative. the shade land's business park has 2 million square feet of business space and sits 80% vacant. lukas films has not responded but a company website said projects planned for marin county are already underway so a new location is needed right away. another high-tech company is expanding hits digs in san francisco. air b&b is an online marketplace for people to rent rooms or apartments for a short-term stay. the company is signing a long-term lease. but air b&b says it will allow it to hire more than 1,000 new
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employees. >> brian is one of three guys who came up with a simple concept. rent air beds in their san francisco living room to out of town guests. what those humble beginnings nearly four years ago they developed air b&b. now a leading company connecting travelers online with people who will rent them rooms in their homes for a couple of nights or so. >> i get folks from australia, europe, south america, central america, all over the place. >> he is part of a movement known as the sharing economy. people sharing their homes, cars, and other assets. >> it's an idea we can be more sustainable. we can share what we already have. it's more economically efficient, and i think it brings people together. >> air b&b is at the forefront and has outgrown this office. they announce they will take over 169,000 square feet at the showplace square south of market, yeah drewling their current space and lead to go a
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hiring spree. >> the job will include web design, marketing and business development. the company says it has connections in more than 20,000 cities worldwide. the company's growth face as potential hiccup. at a hearing in march the city's tax collector told air b&b participants the city's hotel tax applies to their guests as well. but the mayor says there's ongoing dialogue about that. >> i mean,we acted pretty quickly to save twitter and to save some of the other companies in the city. >> air b&b is slated to move to its new digs next february. >> and air b&b says leasing the space will allow it to expand from the current 125 employees to more than 1,000. >> well, i hope you saw the moon last night. it was spectacular. take a look at this time-lapse video of the supermoon. it was the fullest and brightest of the year. thanks to its elliptical orbit, the moon is 15,000 miles closer to earth than average.
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lisa, my 7-year-old nephew was saying it was a little scary but i think it's fabulous. >> i could see that. it's very pretty. inin fact, the clear sky contins this morning with temperatures in the 60s in parts of the bay, but we are in the 40s elsewhere. we are looking at a cool spot in some areas, but warmer today, as much as five to seven degrees warmer. the warming trend continues. i'll tell you when we will max out and see if we return to the fog coming up. >> thank you, ms. argen. also ahead the bay area teachers who are turning things around with in their classrooms by putting homework first. and late delivery, service call no show? i'll show you how to make them pay.
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>> welcome back. here's other live look from our
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emeryville camera. there's the super moon we were talking about back there in the distance. the brightest, fullest moon of the year. i hope you get a chance to get out there and see it. lisa can tell us how long it will be around. it will give her some work to do. it is estimated americans miss out on almost $38 billion in wages every year from sitting around waiting for in-home services like cable appointments and furniture deliveries. that is according it a poll that found most people say they have to wait about 4 1/2 hours for those appointments. it is frustrating. but you don't have to put up with it. here's 7 on your side's michael finney to explain how you can fight back. >> when they give you one of those four hour windows and don't make it, has that ever happened to you? >> too often. cable, you know. telephone company. >> just talk to people at random and nearly everyone has a story about waiting for a delivery or a repairman who never showed up.
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>> i recently had someone that was supposed to drop off some by pass stores at my house that i ordered from a large retail speakers they were supposed to be there before five on friday and they ended up there on tuesday. >> thank you for holding. >> here at the california state consumer information center in sacramento, they hear from ticked off consumers. >> we do get a lot of questions about it. so we do our best to answer those. >> now the state isn't going to go out and arrest anyone for being late. but they have given you a tool to stop this madness. >> nobody really knows about it. but if a company with more than 25 employees is more than four hours late in the within toe they give you, you can sue them for up to $500 for actual damages. >> that's right. wait long enough and you can have 500 bucks coming your way, thanks to state treasure bill lockyer. back in the 80s he was a state
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senator and heard plenty of complaints so he introduced legislation that became law in 1989. >> when i first introduced it, i proposed a two-hour window. and the business world came unglued. >> so the two-hour window was switched to four hours, and businesses by and large backed the legislation. >> i noticed right after it became law there were some folks, like particularly a prominent utility, that did a big advertising campaign about what great customer service they had decided to offer even though it was required by the law. >> so what is the catch? well, with cable and utilities, you have to know about the law before making your appointment. >> they are only required to make connection or repair calls within a four hour time period if the customer requests it. >> now you know to request it. >> we all work for a living. i have to be some place and time
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is money. they know that better than anyone. >> small claims courts are consumer friendly, but before you sue, send a demand letter to the offending party and say you will like to be compensated. remember you must have actual damages. an example of that is lost pay for work. if the delay was caused by unforeseen or unavoidable occurrences then the company is not always held liable. there is a lot of fine print so i post add guide to the law on my web page. you can check it out at i'm michael finney, 7 on your side. >> thousands of teachers all over the country are shaking their classrooms with a technique called flip teaching. they are flip-flopping what used to be homework with class work. and the preliminary results are good. abc7 news anchor christian zee shows us what it's all about. >> april tucker teaches high school saneness mill valley. she's taught for 22 years. but this is the first year she's flipped her classroom. >> today a new class, reptilia.
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>> instead of lecturing, she records it using the camera on her computer. she can use props and diagrams to spice things up. then she puts the lecture on an internet site and students watch it at home. >> which gives them the freedom to rewind them and restart and understand material better. >> but the real key is what happens at school. when teachers don't have to spend class time on lectures. >> i feel like it's a better use of our time. >> we can actually are labs and work with other people and talk to the teacher one-on-one if we are confused. >> science is messy. >> i'm no longer up in front of the classroom, i'm out here with them now. >> some teachers record their own videos. but there's a growing number available for free on the internet. mary werth teaches advance placement biology in marin county. but she often assigns students to watch lectures by a top teacher in montana. >> instead of just having read it, we have this purple blood. >> i created a wicky space where
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other bioteachers can post their videos and we can share video guys and assessments and lab activities. >> one of the most popular lecture websites is con academy based in palo alto with more than 3100 lectures on many subjects. >> this is the nuclear membrane. >> there is no definitive research on how it affects student performance but after almost a full school year, april and mary are excited. >> the data shows kids are doing on average ten% higher on the unit assessment this year than previous years. >> they are performing on a deeper, richer level. the students consistently tell me they feel like they are doing less but learning more. and that's the idea. >> the teachers told us flip teaching seems to be work being equally well with both high and low-performing students. the biggest obstacles is making sure students have access to the internet to watch the videos of
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a school. abc7 news. and we have links to more information about flip teaching at click on "see it on tv." san francisco's sunday streets program is expanding. this morning's event take place in the mission district, closing streets to cars so people can only out and play. the route along valencia and 24th street will be filled with live music, food and activities for kids. a new pilot program announce the by mayor edmonds leon friday has the mission hosting more frequent sunday streets. they will be held on the first sunday of the month for the next four months. sunday streets is designed to create more open space, promote a healthy lifestyle and support the city's many small businesses. and what a day for it, lisa. >> yeah. you won't need the sweaters. the breeze will not be blowing. we are looking at some calm condition out there. and even at our coast right now the wind is pretty flat out there. some northerly winds in the
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north bay and a look from our sutra camera. notice how clear it is. we will have a warmer day today, as much as five to seven degrees warmer. many nor 80s in the forecast today. 70s at the coast. we won't stop there. i'll have the details on a warmer monday coming up. except we will do that now. >> we will change your format a little bit. >> we are talking about the upper level winds bringing down the warmer air to the surface. in fact, the winds at about 1,000 feet are looking at some warm air. with that, that's why we are in the 60s from fairfield to napa. 65 in antioch. 63 in san francisco. looking at the upper 40s for concord and redwood city. 53 in san jose. so yesterday we also started out pretty warm with the northerly winds, but, wow, look at napa and fairfield, talking about 13 to 16 degrees of warming since yesterday. san jose and mountain view, you
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are starting out warmer as well. breezy over the hills. winds up to 30 miles an hour up above 1200 feet. that's where the warmer air is being mixed into the lower atmosphere. so we will look for, say, 9:00, 10:00, temperatures to really jump into the 60s, and we will be well into the 70s by noontime at many locations. with the breeze over the hills, if you are doing bike around mouth diablo, keep that in mind. kind. gusty at times. we will look for the maximum warmth to come our way tomorrow. lots of 70s and 80s today. some 60s at the beaches. still in the upper 60s around half moon bay and a light sea breeze in the afternoon right at the ocean. notice the pacific satellite and we are looking at a big niche. the area of high pressure really building into the eastern pacific not only today but it continues into tomorrow. with that compression, the flow around the hay, we are looking at that fog being wiped out. the warmer winds, even well into
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the sierra nevada. take a look at the southern sierra at 7 degrees. talking about mid-80s here and 90s in the desert. we will be warmer in the bay area than in southern california certainly today, and that warming is going to take us really right through tuesday in you are inland valleys. we will have the clear conditions and a nice sunny afternoon with a light wind here at at&t park with numbers this afternoon climbing through the 70s. starting out in the upper 60s, going right to the low 70s. a very mild afternoon. and the sea breeze, you have to be right at the ocean. ocean beach, point ray to feel any of the cooling. notice today we are in the 70s, just nearly an 80-degree temperature yesterday but today as much as five or six degrees warmer than that. 68 half moon bay with 78 in oakland, low to mid-80s from santa rosa and san rafael with more 60s santa rosa. this takes us about 10 degrees
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above the average. with some of these locations continuing to warm for the next 48 hours, a few 90s aren't out of the question for tuesday. 82 in watsonville, 78 santa cruz. the look ahead shows today and tomorrow we will continue to see the warming trend. coast bay and inland. by wednesday you will notice that the coast cools, everyone cools with a little bit of patchy fog so you see the full moon right up until tuesday. then by thursday, look at that. we are warming back up into the mid-80s, even friday. it looks like our cool down is just going to be temporary and more of an offshore flow by the end of the week. so for ones that cool day is just singled out there right in the middle and that's about it. >> so you answered my question about the full moon tuesday. >> yeah. looks like it will be very nice again tonight, but it will begin to not be as bright on monday and then with the return to the fog. yeah, look at that. that's crazy, isn't it? beautiful. >> definitely.
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definitely. i got confused last week. i was thinking this weekend was mother's day and i was asking you about the forecast, and you played along. so i was confused, too. >> imagine that. >> thank you, lisa. well, straight ahead, the first of the summer blockbusterrers makes a big splash. arts and entertainment reporter don sanchez tells
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can lulu have some beef pasta, too? -here you go, lulu. -hey?! you had an imaginary friend once, too. she's full. [ female announcer ] hamburger helper beef pasta. helpers. forty dishes, all delicious. those five food groups sound a whole lot better when you put them in a taco shell instead of a pyramid. old el paso. when you gotta have mexican.
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>> a team of superheros is adding up to some big bucks in the latest movie "avengers." it pulled in morning $80 million in it's us debut on friday. it's the second best opening day ever. the marvel comics action film is from walt disney, the parent company of abc7. here's don sanchez with his review "on the isle." >> war just started and we are hopelessly outgunned. >> that's dreadful. unwelcomed visitors are invading. what will they do to save mankind? a group. super heroes, finally they are here. each has an ego and there are differences of opinion. but when push comes to shove, they have to respond. even with superpowers, there's a certain humanity about these
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guys, and laughs provided by robert downy junior. >> why are you here? the avengers. that's what we call ourselves, like a team. mighty heroes start of thing >> the hulk. there are times when the pace flows. and a rest for your eyes from the 3d business u get a quick look at the alien destroyer. with this devastation they could have brought down doyle drive in less than an hour. it isn't drama, but you will be overcome by awe. >> the visuals are over the top. more explosions than a wedding and midtown manhattan destroyed and you have the superheroes fighting amongst each other and then the bad guys. some of the dialogue is clunky. you would think they would have special effects for that and then there's the riveting sound. i think my hereter seat was shaking and i lost a couple
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physician. i will give it a handful more than three quarters after buck. i'm don sanchez. eyou on the isle. >> up next he's the rookie of the year. former nba all-star shaquille o'neal has a new title to add to his resume. i'm really going to miss you.
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my new place isn't that far away. it's 15 miles away ! with this droid razr by motorola on verizon 4g lte, we can video chat on skype. you're gonna get lost ! this has gps. well, that makes me feel better. me too. i'll go get two from the back. the droid razr by motorola now only $99.99. hurry in, offer ends may 13th. verizon.
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>> the winning numbers from last not's super lotto plus. no one got all six of those numbers. wednesday night's jackpot is estimated at $15 million. a california woman is taking her son to court for stealing her lottery winner, she says. the 76-year-old, etta may of beakers field said her son cheated her out of her megamillions lottery prize, some
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$32 million. she was so nervous she asked her son to sign her name to endorse the ticket but now she believes he signed his own name n court documents she claims her son put money into accounts she can't touch and he bought at least four homes and ten cars. well, it is now dr. shaq as shaquille o'neal picked up his ph.d. in education this weekend at a florida university. the nba superstar, and four-time all-star and movie star, a hood could be placed around his neck. he picked up the associate professor who put the hood on him and later talking to reporters, it was all praise from the university and his parents. >> i mostly would like to thank my mother, lucille eneil, and my father, harrison, who pressured me to keep on learning when i left lsu early. it is, you know what, you will retire one day but you need to further your education.
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>> and in typical shaq fashion, he says he is not done yet. he plans to go to law school next. coming up next at 6:00, an oakland police officer is wounded of a exchanging gunfire with a suspect. and san jose police try to keep cinco de mayo celebrations from getting out of hand.
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